by Alphonse Selvaraj
My association with Prof K.P.M. Sundharam is over 40+years. Providence placed me to witness the Life, Legacy and Spirituality of my father-in-law Prof. KPM Sundharam from close and not so close proximity. His education, experience and inclination ideally placed him on the spot for his work, mission and vision of Social Justice built on Biblical, Catholic social thinking and teachings. His social actions on various fronts and institutions give testimony to width and breath of Socio-Economic Justice and Equity.

Prof K P M Sundharam’s own thoughts and actions were deeply influenced by ‘Populorum Progressio’ an encyclical written by Pope Paul VI on the topic of “the development of peoples”. It was released on 26 March 1967. It stated that the economy of the world should serve mankind and not just the few. Accordingly, he held the firm belief that the Church cannot be indifferent to poverty and inequality as well as development requires respecting human dignity.
My father-in-law believed that living in the moment, living in the Spirit, and living in Jesus are all ways of living a life that focuses on the present and trusts in God.
- Living in the Spirit : Involves following the leadings of the Holy Spirit . It means living a life that depends on the Spirit’s power. It involves growing in godliness, obeying God’s commands, and experiencing a closer relationship with God. Some ways to live in the Spirit include walking according to the Spirit, praying in the Spirit, and hoping in the Spirit.
- Living in the Moment : Means trusting God with the present, future, and past. It involves focusing on the day-to-day and dealing with what is happening right now and helps people make the most of their time and opportunities.
- Living in Jesus : Living in Jesus means living a life in relationship with Jesus Christ, and in accordance with his teachings. It also means living in the sphere of God’s love and power.
In every creative life, in every life of passion and purpose, there comes a time when the animating spark grows dim and the muscle of motivation slackens, when you come to feel benumbed to beauty and abandoned by your numen, suffocating in the exhaust fume of your own exertion, ossified with the tedium of being yourself.
Among the paradoxes of fellowship, discipleship and friendship is this: All these of depth and durability are based on a profound knowledge of each other, of the soul beneath the costume of personality — that lovely Celtic notion of ‘anam cara’ (meaning soul friend). He brought this knowledge, this mutual understanding, to every interaction with a true friend, disciple and synodality that is what makes these satisfying, steadying and safe. It is what makes it, in Kahlil Gibran’s immortal words, a “field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.” And yet, if we are alive enough, each time we meet we are meeting for the first time, getting to know each other afresh, for only the self that goes on changing goes on living. True friendship, discipleship and fellowship blesses both the abiding and the possible in us.
Prof K. P. M. had a habit of praying. He took everything to God in prayer both formal and informally during trial and temptations. He firmly believed that “More things are wrought by prayer, than this world would dream of. Wherefore, let thy voice rise like a fountain for me night and day”. This quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson from his poem “The Passing of Arthur” is a reminder that the power of prayer is far greater than most people can imagine, and therefore, one should always be fervent in their prayers, letting their pleas rise continuously like a fountain.
I miss him so much. Each incident and episode that I recollect brings out the best in him like a Pearl unsoiled. I pray for him and even more to him for reconciliation. I will try to bring out the tremblings of my soul whenever I think of him.
Also Read : Prof. K. P. M. Sundharam : Economy of Compassion by Ajay Ghosh – Voice of Delhi, April 1995